Environmental Studies Faculty Scholarship | Environmental Studies | The College of Wooster


Submissions from 2019


Changing Evangelical Minds on Climate Change, Doug Hayhoe, Brian Webb, and Mark A. Bloom

Submissions from 2018


Assessing the Influence of an Educational Presentation on Climate Change Beliefs at an Evangelical Christian College, Brian Webb and Doug Hayhoe

Submissions from 2013


The Shifting Landscape of Amish Agriculture: Balancing Tradition and Innovation in an Organic Farming Cooperative, Matthew J. Mariola and David L. McConnell

Submissions from 2012

Farmers, Trust, and the Market Solution to Water Pollution: the Role of Social Embeddedness in Water Quality Trading, Matthew J. Mariola

Submissions from 2011

The Commodification of Pollution and a Preemptive Double Movement in Environmental Governance: the Case of Water Quality Trading, Matthew J. Mariola