East Asian Studies Faculty Scholarship | East Asian Studies | The College of Wooster


Submissions from 2020


Conflicts over Local Beliefs: "Feudal Superstitions" as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Contemporary China, Ziying You

Folk Literati, Contested Tradition, and Heritage in Contemporary China: Incense Is Kept Burning, Ziying You


Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia: Traditions in Transition, Ziying You and Patricia Anne Hardwick

Submissions from 2019

Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Discourse and Practice, Ziying You


Introduction: History and Trends of Chinese Folklore Studies, Lijun Zhang and Ziying You

Submissions from 2015


Entertaining Deities and Humans with Performances of Puju (Puzhou Opera) at a Temple Fair in Yangxie Village, Southwestern Shanxi, May 29-June 2, 2013, Ziying You


Shifting Actors and Power Relations: Contentious Local Responses to the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Contemporary China, Ziying You

Submissions from 2013


The Shifting Landscape of Amish Agriculture: Balancing Tradition and Innovation in an Organic Farming Cooperative, Matthew J. Mariola and David L. McConnell

Submissions from 2012


Tradition and Ideology: Creating and Performing New Gushi in China from 1962 to 1966, Ziying You

Submissions from 2011

Horizontal Dynamics in Transnational Activism: the Case of Nu River Anti-Dam Activism in China, Setsuko Matsuzawa

Culture and Power in The Anthropology of Japan, David L. McConnell