"The Thistle: Rabadash Vol. 1, No. 3"


The Thistle was the main student literary magazine that was published between 1957-1983. By the late 1960s, even The Thistle had its own edgier offshoots such as Rabadash (1968-1969) and Wooster Survival Manual (1969).

Rabadash is a literary magazine stylized as a newspaper that was published by College of Wooster students between 1968-1969. This edition was published in mid-November of 1968 and is printed on brown paper with blue ink, the font is. The first page includes a table of contents outlining the included short stories and poems. The topics covered in the poems and stories vary greatly and the submissions are sometimes stylized in non-traditional format. Some discuss issues of religion, race, gender, and politics, notably, there are a few pieces about the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and the Vietnam War. Other submissions are more "traditional" narrative compositions, including an excerpt from a novel written by a student. Overall, a lot of the pieces have a distinct Wooster feel, making references to campus life and college living. The publication also includes information about poetry, short story, and drama writing contests. The last page features a crossword puzzle and some cartoons and comic strips. This edition of Rabadash uses a small amount of strong language. Rabadash is edited by Richard Morgan.


Student publications; Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Draft; Racism against Black people; Civil rights movements; Literature; Poetry; Christianity

Creation Date



College of Wooster Special Collections


In Copyright


The College of Wooster


Literary magazine, Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, Religion, Gender, College of Wooster English Department



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The Thistle: Rabadash Vol. 1, No. 3
