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Published on January 24, this edition of the Wooster Voice is twelve pages long. Assistant of chemistry Paul Edmiston has been awarded a $400,000 grant by the National Science Foundation. The future of the recycling program is being questioned by college officials because of its cost. The college is holding information sessions about the new law that required the college to enter information about international students into Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). The bookstore had three security cameras installed over winter break. Two letters to the editor are on the fourth page, responding to past articles. Around thirty students ventured to Washington DC this weekend to participate in a protest against the threat of war in Iraq. The Goliard Magazine will be adding a CD to the publication to showcase student music compositions and performances. The current exhibit in the Ebert Art Center features work from students of the Five Colleges in Ohio. The last three pages feature the athletics section.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
In Copyright
National Science Foundation, Recycling Program, Letters to the editor, protest, Iraq War, Goliard, museum exhibit
College athletics; College newspapers; Advertisements; Letters to the editor; Museum exhibits; College magazines; Recycling
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2003-01-24" (2003). The Voice: 2001-2011. 54.