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This edition of the Wooster Voice, published on February 25 of 2005, is a total of eight pages. March 1 is the end date of the Kauke fundraising challenge meant to raise money for renovations. On February 21, Katherine Reed, director of the Cleveland Museum of Art, spoke in Wishart Hall. Claire Willey '05 and Katie Schwinn '06 will be teaching a beginner through advanced ballet class on Thursday evening. The OhioLINK consortium is facing budget cutting problems. Students and staff are continuing to raise money for tsunami aid efforts. The Student Government Association is trying to reach out to students for feedback in order to improve the organization. Erik Shilling has wrote an article dedicated to the suicide of Hunter S. Thompson that is on the fifth page. The athletics section is on pages seven and eight.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
In Copyright
Katherine Reed, Cleveland Museum of Art, Kauke Fundraising, ballet class, OhioLINK, SGA, Hunter S. Thompson
College athletics; College newspapers; Advertisements; Thompson, Hunter S.; Suicide; Cleveland Museum of Art
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2005-02-25" (2005). The Voice: 2001-2011. 109.