
This study quantitatively examined the relational identity depiction of young adults on Facebook in order to determine if this was in any way correlated with their level of satisfaction with the relationship. Data was gathered for this study using a survey whose link was posted on the researcher’s personal Facebook account as well as the four current class pages for students at The College of Wooster, namely “Class of 2016,” “Class of 2017,” “Class of 2018,” and “Class of 2019.” In order to participate in this study, respondents were required to be currently involved in a romantic relationship, be between the ages of 18-25, and both they and their partner had to be Facebook users. In total, 198 responses were recorded from Facebook, 142 of which were used in data analysis on SPSS. The results of this study pointed to a few major conclusions. First, there was not a significant relationship between Facebook depiction of relational identity and satisfaction within the relationship. There was, however, a significant relationship between the participants’ “in a relationship” Facebook designation and overall satisfaction with the relationship. These two conclusions led to the final major finding that, in some cases, individuals may be posting about their relationship on Facebook regardless of their actual feelings towards their significant other; rather, their posts were designed for their Facebook friends to believe that they are satisfied with their relationship and their partner.


Bostdorff, Denise


Communication Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Maria Kristina Gonzalez