
This study was designed to compare the clinical practices followed by audiologists when fitting hearing aids on mission trips to developing countries, to those used by audiologists in the United States. The researcher developed a survey that identified and investigated both groups of audiologists independently. Survey topics were tailored to compare both samples, as well as analyze each group separately to provide more context about each participants’ experience fitting hearing aids. Results of the study suggested that audiologists on mission trips to developing nations complete significantly different protocols than those use by audiologists in the U.S. Audiologists fitting hearing aids in the United States frequently completed fundamental clinical practices, while seldomly performing many specific practices recommended by several best practice guidelines. Additionally, audiologists dispensing hearing aids in developing nations frequently completed some very basic hearing assessments, while rarely completing many U.S. recommended clinical practices. This is not to say that fitting practices used abroad are necessarily inappropriate, as they must be considered within the context of the fitting environment. Additional research should be completed to further examine this topic.


Goldberg, Don

Second Advisor

Johnson, Michelle


Communication Studies


Anatomy | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Medicine and Health Sciences | Speech and Hearing Science | Speech Pathology and Audiology


hearing aids, humanitarian audiology, mission trips, developing nations

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Hayley Schultz