"How Learning Disabled College Students Respond to Being Labeled" by Heidi A. Schulz


This sociological study combines existing literature, theory, and quantitative and qualitative research on the various ways learning disabled college students respond to labeling. In particular, this thesis examined how learning disabled college students at the College of Wooster respond to negative labeling and stigmatization and how negative labeling and stigmatization affect students' self-esteem, acceptance of learning disabilities, and locus of control. This prospectus includes the methodology and results of the quantitative data analysis measuring self-esteem, acceptance of learning disability, and locus of control of thirty learning disabled college students, fifteen qualitative interviews of undergraduate learning disabled students, and a personal autobiography of a College of Wooster learning disabled college student Lastly, this research project explains the results of the various types of sociological research utilized in this project and offers additional suggestions for future research studying how learning disabled college students respond to negative labeling and stigmatization.


Hurst, Charles


Sociology and Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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