
This Independent Study aims to define and critically interrogate the phenomenon of the white female gaze within the critically acclaimed Netflix series Orange is the New Black. Through the use of content analysis and Afrocentric methodologies, this study identifies the four key aspects of the white female gaze: voyeuristic looking, racial tropes, limited narratives, and the reinforcement of white womanhood. Afrocentricity, Critical Race Theory, and Feminist Standpoint Theory provide the necessary theoretical framework to analyze the white female gaze. Ultimately, this study's analysis of the white female gaze provides an example of oppositional looking, one that deconstructs images asserted by white media.


Wright, Josephine

Second Advisor

Gunn, Raymond


Africana Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


African American Studies | American Popular Culture | Ethnic Studies | Other Film and Media Studies | Sociology | Women's Studies


Orange is the New Black, race, gender, White Female Gaze, African-American

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Tiara L. Patton