
This study is an extension of a previous study (Walls 2007) in which the site of Copan, Honduras. Several structures, including the Temple of Rosalila located within Structure 10L-16, were examined with the goal of revealing a relationship of significance between architectural energetics and architectural symbolism on monumental architecture. The goal of this study is to take that theory a step further and apply it to monuments in other civilizations from a different time period. Three monuments from ancient Egypt were chosen including the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Hatshepsut's mortuary temple, and the Temple of Isis along with three Mesoamerican structures including a Late Preclassic platform from Rio Azul, the Temple of Rosalila, and the Temple of Warriors of Chichen Itza. These civilizations were chosen because their architectural developments corresponded along similar patterns. Each civilization has an early period when stone structures were first being built, a period of relative wealth and notoriety, and a late period in which foreign rulers came into power.


Kardulias, P. Nick




Archaeological Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2009 Karolina M. Walls