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This issue of the Wooster Voice features a criticism of the investigative power of the federal government, a report on the financially failing concert series, and an interview with Mrs. Wilson Compton. Page 2 features a review of Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days, a piece criticizing Apartheid in South Africa, and a piece thanking the museum of Iran for the collection on display at the Wooster Art Museum. Page 3 features a piece criticizing sexism, racism, and discriminatory terms for gay and bisexual persons in the media. Page 4 features a report on the political comedy act by Dick Gregory in McGaw Chapel. Page 5 continues the piece on the lives of the Comptons. Pages 6-7 contain the sports section, and page 8 consists of staff announcements and continued stories.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
Compton, Richard Nixon, CIA, Watergate, Women in Media, Portrayal of Women in Media, Portrayal of Gays in Media, Portrayal of Bisexuals in Media, Black Discrimination, Apartheid, South Africa
College newspapers; College athletics; Watergate Scandal, 1972-1974; Apartheid; Women in mass media
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1974-11-08" (1974). The Voice: 1971-1980. 103.