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The Men's Association will be presenting their annual serenade contest on the evening of May 3rd. The Little Theater will be presenting "Romeo and Juliet" in the Scot Auditorium from May 8th to the 11th. The Ohio Versewriters sixth annual conference will be held at Wooster on May 4th. It will feature poet leaders Rolfe Humphries and George Abbe. The Sociology and Social Research journal published a 1955 joint senior IS paper titled, "Superintendents' Attitudes Toward Desegregation in the Public Schools," by Miriam Strouse Shirley and Helen Townsend Cropp. On May 6th and 7th the Wooster Marriage Conference will be held at the school; speakers will include Mrs. Hazel Jackson and Dr. Carroll Wise.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
Men's Association, Serenade Contest, Romeo and Juliet, Little Theater, Ohio Versewriters Conference, Rolfe Humphries, George Abbe, Miriam Strouse Shirley, Helen Townsend Cropp, Wooster Marriage Conference, Mrs. Hazel Jackson, Dr. Carroll Wise
College newspapers; College athletics; Competition; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Romeo and Juliet; Theater
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1957-05-03" (1957). The Voice: 1951-1960. 148.