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The full title of this volume is: "Golden Manual or the Royal Road to Success Showing What to Do and How to Do It containing the Rules of Etiquette for All Occasions; how to speak and write the English language correctly; etiquette of conversation; correspondence; dress and polite society; weddings; parties; receptions; calls, etc. embracing courtship, marriage, and domestic life; words of wisdom for young people; directions for a right choice of husband or wife; home occupations; games and amusements, with full directions for athletic exercises, the cultivation of the mind and body, etc., etc., business rules and instructions; including book-keeping; banking; interest tables and rules; deeds and agreements; mortgages and leases; wills and how to make them; laws for landlord and tenant, etc., etc. including statistical tables, showing all the important events in the history of America, from its discovery by Columbus to the present time with the population of states, cities, towns, etc., according to the census of 1890. To which is added a vast treasury of information concerning the latest inventions and discoveries in electricity, medical science and mechanics, popular quotations and proverbs; abbreviations, synonyms, etc., etc."
Publication Date
Lyceum Publishing Co.
Philadelphia, PA
etiquette, courtship, marriage, domestic life, history, western civilization, business etiquette, statistics of America
No Copyright - United States
Lyceum publishing Company; Etiquette--United States; Civilization, Western--History; Business etiquette; Technological innovations
Recommended Citation
Northrop, Henry Davenport, "Golden Manual or The Royal Road to Success (Part Two)" (1891). Mother Home & Heaven. 96.