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letter, correspondence, army, World War II
World War, 1939-1945; Letter writing; United States. Army
Envelope addressed: Mrs. R. L. Davis 1619 Boston, Muskogee, Oklahoma Sgt. Robert Davis 18107121 Co. Em G 237, 3MGR APO 403 c/o Pm. N.Y. Enclosed letter: Davis describes visiting the US Army Switzerland Leave Center in Muhlhaus, which he finds to be the most attractive army installation he has ever seen. Processing at the Center last about two hours, but after that Davis has the rest of his day and evening free. He visits a Red Cross station, which offers a variety of services, ranging from free books (of which Davis states he takes 8) to hair-cuts, shoe-shines, clothes-pressing and manicures. Davis writes that the idea behind this "personal service section" is to give every American soldier on leave in Switzerland a sharp, clean cut appearance. Davis believes this is a good idea, as the "average GI Joe" can become sloppy without access to such facilities on base. Davis writes that he availed of all of them and had a good nights sleep.
Sgt. R. Davis 18107121
G237, Co. E, 3MGR APO 403
Pm. N.Y.
26 4
Mrs. R. L. Davis
1619 Boston
Muskogee, Oklahoma
26 FEB 1946
Strasbourg, France
Dear Folks:
When we first arrived in Muhlhaus, we went to the U.S. Army Switzerland Leave Center. This is the place where the legerdemain of currency exchange, insurance of passports, etc. takes place. The Center itself if the most attractive army install-ation, as such, I have ever seen.
It covers about three or four blocks space, is staffed by German P.W.’s, and features a myriad of attractive and conveniences for the G.I. on furlough. The “processing” lasts perhaps two hours learning the rest of the day and evening free.
There is a large and comfortable Red Cross, with a sleek, plump-looking German P.W. Dance Band, a good mess-hall; a movie; and and a large number of army books which one may take free. (I picked up about 8 good ones). In the Red Cross is a unique personal service election; one can get free hair-cuts, shoe-shines, clothes-pressing, and manicures! The idea, which is a very good one, is to give every American soldier that goes into Switzerland a sharp, clean-cut appearance. (Average G.I. Joe, thru’ the inaccessibility of such niceties and facilities, gradually becomes just a trifle sloppy. Needless to say, I took advantage of them all to iron out the kinks of 48 hrs. on the road.)
Even the beds were good there, and I got a good nite’s sleep before learning for Switzerland the next morning.

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