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This edition of the Wooster Voice was published April 4th, 1975. The Voice is a student run newspaper published at the College of Wooster. This issue headlines a change in the Dean of Students, an upcoming pianist performance, and a report on the cost of living in Wooster. Page 2 features a letter of introduction to the readers of the Voice from the new editorial board, a piece arguing the the prank pulled on gay students got out of hand, but should not be taken any more seriously than any other college prank. Also featured is a response to Joe Hudson's piece that argued that homosexuals should be given psychiatric care. This piece argues that homosexuality is natural. Another piece argues that the feminist women's dance was severely degraded by the actions of students including lesbians displaying their sexuality, and male students dressing up as women as a joke. Page 3 features a piece speculating on the upcoming Academy Awards, and a piece speculating on the impact of stagflation and resemblance to 1929 and the Great Depression. Page 4 features changes in campus dining, paper waste reduction challenges, and congressional stimulus packages being debated. Page 5 features an opinion piece arguing that nuclear power is too dangerous to be used, and a continuation of the congressional debate report. Page 6 features a report on the Cleveland Museum of Art and pages 7-8 are the sports section.

Publication Date



The College of Wooster


Wooster, OH


No Copyright - United States


Mrs. Doris Coster, Kenneth Plusquellec, Dean of Students, editorial board, prank, homosexuality, homophobia, Joe Hudson, feminist, Academy Awards, Great Depression, Cleveland Museum of Art, nuclear power


Homophobia in higher education; Homophobia in the military--Law and legislation [proposed]; Homophobia--Law and legislation; Homophobia--United States; Homophobia; Homosexuality; Cleveland Museum of Art; Academy Awards (Motion pictures); College athletics; College newspapers; Advertisements

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1975-04-04
