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This issue of the Wooster Voice contains an interview with an industrialist and his views on how the United States will exit the current financial crisis, a report on a streaking ritual, and a report on the College of Wooster radio station after it failed a federal test. Page 2 contains a satirical piece mocking the rich and bigoted. Page 3 contains continued stories, a year in review film criticism, and a report on a retired Wooster professor who still maintained an active presence in the community. Page 4 contains information of a review of the Wooster Ethic and continues the report on the streaking incident. Page 5 contains a report on faculty hiring, a report on the campaign tax, and a report on the effects of energy cutbacks on the College of Wooster. Pages 6-8 are the sports section.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
Recession, Satire, Budget Cuts, Energy Crisis, energy cutbacks, streaking, radio station, financial crisis, Wooster Ethic
College athletics; College newspapers; Satire; College radio stations; Energy; Budget
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1975-01-17" (1975). The Voice: 1971-1980. 106.