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This issue of the Wooster Voice deals with the 1974 Homecoming, featuring a welcome to Wooster alumni, a report on a theatre performance for the alumni, and a debate over presidential veto power at a board of trustees meeting. Page 2 features a piece decrying repeated vandalism in Holden, a piece lauding Cesar Chavez's labor activism, a piece condemning the policy used to elect the Wooster homecoming Queen, and a piece clarifying projectionist's wages after many students incorrectly inferred that projectionists were paid the tidy wage of $4.50 an hour for their labor. Page 3 features a piece reflecting on Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, and a feminist editorial decrying "white male oppression" and proposing talks between victims and victimizers as a method of re-education. Page 4 contains a piece on Hegel. Page 5 contains continued articles. Pages 6-7 are the sports section, and page 8 contains a music review, advertisements, and continued stories.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
alumni, Homecoming, Stanley Kubrick, Feminism, Vandalism, Holden Hall, Cesar Chavez, Philosophy, labor activism
College athletics; College newspapers; Feminism; Home-coming; Vandalism
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1974-10-25" (1974). The Voice: 1971-1980. 101.