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This issue of the Wooster Voice features a report on a decision to postpone a proposed change in the Wooster alcohol policy. Also featured on the front page is a report on a pair of upcoming speakers who will represent the liberal and conservative positions in American society. Additionally, a poll found Wooster's top choice for Democratic presidential candidate was Henry Cabot, a report on Wooster efforts to register black voters, and an upcoming concert. Page 2 features an editorial from the Wooster Voice criticizing the popularity of Cabot in the aforementioned poll, arguing that most respondents choose him without knowing his political positions. There is also a piece reporting on a crime wave on campus, and a piece weighing various positions and debating the best moves for America in South Vietnam. Page 3 features a report on criticism from Reverend Martin Luther King condemning the neutral position of much of the clergy. Also featured is a report on unrest in New York shortly before the World Fair, and a piece reporting on a student protest after the Segregationist governor Wallace was described as "sincere" in his racial beliefs. Page 4 features a story of one of the skeletons in Wooster's history. The head of Wooster's Political and Social Science, Dr. William Chancellor, was a Wilsonian Democrat who believed in segregation and lynching of blacks who overstepped his ideas of their appropriate societal roles. In 1920, when he found out that Warren G. Harding was to be the Republican candidate for president, he threw himself into his studies to attempt to prove Harding had black ancestry, and published the pamphlet: "May God save America from international shame and from domestic ruin." When most newspapers disdained to make use of the piece, several mobs converged on Chancellor's house, forcing him to sleep in student's beds and go into hiding. Four Wooster students, including Howard H. Lowry, who disagreed with Chancellor's views nevertheless defended his house from several mobs which dispersed for lack of leadership. Page 5 is the sports section. Page 6 consists entirely of a report on the changing hiring protocol of Wooster for new professors and faculty.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
Segregation, Wooster Stories, Racism, Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923, Dr. William Chancellor, Dr. William Chancellor, Wilsonian Democrat, hiring protocol, Howard Lowry
Segregation; Racism; Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923; Chancellor, William Estabrook, 1867-1963; College athletics; Lowry, Howard Foster, 1901-1967
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1964-04-17" (1964). The Voice: 1961-1970. 82.