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This edition of the Voice opens up with the sad and unexpected news that a former Wooster student, named Norman Morrison, took his own life by self-immolation in a protest against the atrocities being committed in the waging of the Vietnam War. Wooster will be hosting Reverend William Coffin, a pastor at Yale who is active in the civil rights movement and political sector. Photos of sorority rush activities are on the front page. The questionnaire given out to students to address concerns with the food service does not appear to have been taken seriously. A guest piece looks at the speeches that have been given at, as well as the important of, the Crescent in Crisis conference. The Voice takes a column to address what many is lacking in student-staff relations at the College. Harvey Tilden is back with his column in this issue, this time covering the current situation of the world, and possible ways to tackle large-scale problems. The sports articles on page three get a reprieve, as Wooster's football team finally won a game, this time against Hiram College. There is also a large advertisement for keepsake engagement rings on this page. The College began looking into initiatives to to connect with a [sic]"Negro" college to foster better educational outreach for African American students.

Publication Date



The College of Wooster


Wooster, OH


No Copyright - United States


Norman Morrison, Vietnam War, self-immolation, Reverend William Coffin, food services, Crescent in Crisis, middle east, Hiram College, football, advertisement, keepsake rings, African American students


Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Morrison, Norman R., 1933-1965; Coffin; William Sloane, Jr., 1924-2006; Middle East; Hiram College; College sports; African American college students; College newspapers; Advertisements

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1965-11-05
