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The first page of this issue of the newspaper begins with an announcement of the individuals chosen to serve as student residents during the 1960-1961 school year. The announcement was published in the form of an open letter from Marjorie Golder and Ralph Young, the deans of Women and Men respectively. There is also a section on the first page that details an exciting trip that 17 Wooster students will take during the summer. There will be a group of students attending the Vienna Summer Session in Austria. The students were to leave on June 20th on the S.S. Waterman of the Holland American Line, and were to arrive at Rotterdam on June 29th. On the page that follows, there is a letter to the editor from a student. The student questions the utility of the southern sit-in strikes and whether or not they could truly accomplish what they wished to accomplish. Finally, the issue ends with information regarding different athletic events and numerous adverts from local businesses.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
leadership, students, college, summer, Austria, Europe, travel, letter, strike, athletics, advertisements, S.S. Waterman
College newspapers; College athletics; Study abroad; Sit-ins (Civil rights)
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1960-04-29" (1960). The Voice: 1951-1960. 219.