Mere presence of opposite-sex others on judgments of sexual and romantic desirability: opposite effects for men and women - revisited

Devon Grennell, The College of Wooster


The present study sought to test Hill and Buss's (2008) assumption that participants perceived opposite-sex peripherals as sexually/romantically attracted to target individuals by conducting two studies. Both of the present studies required participants to view 10 images and rate the desirability of target individuals by answering a variety of attractiveness questions. Study 1 sought to replicate Hill and Buss (2008) and consisted of 114 participants in a 2 (males and females) x 2 (opposite- and same-sex peripherals) design. Study 2 sought to test the assumption and consisted of 147 participants in a 2 (males and females) x 2 (romantic and platonic contexts). Although Study 1 failed to replicate the original study, Study 2 found some support for Hill and Buss's (2008) assumption.