Say What? The Use of Age as an Identifier on the Auditory Stroop Effect

Sarah Mitchell, The College of Wooster


This study expanded auditory conflict processing into age characteristics of the voice and age-related words, tested through the auditory Stroop effect. In experiment 1, participants heard the words "old" and "young" spoken by young children and older adults. When the stimuli heard were incongruent with the age of the speaker, participants responded slower and with less accuracy. In experiment 2, naïve participants judged the age of the same speakers, only this time the stimuli were comprised of words associated children and older adults. Similar congruency effects for number of errors were found. This study opens the door for furtherings of the auditory Stroop effect, both to better understand the relationship between vocal characteristics of age and stereotypes about age, and the expansion of the auditory Stroop effect into other vocal characteristics.