The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Voters Preference for Primaries Verses Caucuses, Lucas Andrew Palmer
Department: Political Science


Illiberal Development: An Analysis of Differing Forms of Participatory Development Programs in Neoliberal Institutions, Cecilia Payne
Department: Political Science


Protest or Riot?: The Role of News Media in Characterizing the Unrest in Ferguson, Emma Reiner
Department: English; Political Science


Equality and Redlining: An Adversarial Relationship Spanning Decades, Artemus Scissum
Department: Political Science


First Responders (Post 9/11) ¿A Quien Acudo? (Marca 9-1-1): Analyzing the Effects of Heightened Immigration Enforcement on Migrant Communities, Legal-Non-Profits, and Community-Based Organizations, Alexis Sotelo
Department: Political Science


Nativism, Another Word for Racism? A Study of How Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Create Animus Towards the Latinx Community, Elizabeth Suarez
Department: Political Science; Spanish


Examining the Effects of Negative Attacks on Twitter, Jackson Todd
Department: Political Science


Are Olympic Medals Worth Their Weight in Gold? A Political Economy Study of Governmental Financial Commitment to Olympic Teams and Potential Economic Benefits, Theodore Wells
Department: Political Science


Exclusive Nationalist Rhetoric Can Reduce Ethnic Representation in Government: Why Nationalist Rhetoric Matters, Samuel J. Zimmerman
Department: Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020


Canned Talk Amidst Cornstalks: Analyzing Connections Between Rhetorical Frames in Renewable Energy Policy and Elazar’s Political Culture Categories in Three Great Plains States., Robert Agle
Department: Political Science


Revisiter le pouvoir de la propagande et les répercussions de l'imagerie haineuse : The Impact of Propaganda Cartoons on the Perpetration of Sexual Violence during the Rwandan Genocide, Nela Aluwihare
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Political Science


Empty Stadiums, Empty Promises: A Study of the Impact of Mega-Sporting Events on the Civil Unrest of the Host Country, Brandon D. Borges
Department: Political Science


From Tweets to Seats: The Rise of Far-Right Parties and Their Use of the 'Us' and 'Them' Message Frame, Chelsea Brown
Department: Political Science


I Thought Sharing Was Caring? Examining the Relationship Between Externally Spurred Power-Sharing in Ethnic Civil War and Reoccurring Violence, Emmanuell L. Burton
Department: Political Science


The Defense Cannot Rest: The Impact of Funding for Indigent Defense Services on Incarceration Rates, Itala M. Colby
Department: Political Science


How Minority Candidates' Intersectional Identities Affect Their Use Of Race And Gender Issue Ownership Campaign Strategies, Mary ("Emma") M. Cotter
Department: Political Science


The Effect of the Status of Women on Sexual Violence Against Women, Emily A. Davis
Department: Political Science


Thoughts and Prayers or Policy and Action?: The Role Interest Groups Play in Firearms Legislation, Abigail G. Donohue
Department: Political Science


Meaningful Military Experiences: A Look Into Congressional Members Who Have Served in Combat, Daniel Grant Fraser
Department: Political Science; History


Keeping Them In Their Place: How American Party Leaders Harness Intraparty Factions, Alexander R. Hancock
Department: Political Science


Delete Your Account: A Methodological Investigation of Leadership Trait Analysis and Its Ability to Utilize Twitter as Spontaneous Material, Jimmy Hinton
Department: Political Science


The Deterioation of Public Opinion in the Vietnam and Iraq War, Tyler Iversen
Department: Political Science; History


Money Rules Politics, but do Voters Care? Moral Foundations, Corporate PAC Donations, and Candidate Trait Evaluations, Nathan Levesque
Department: Political Science


Fall of the Two-Legged Stool: Neoliberalism's Toppling of the International Labor Organization, Ciaran Lyons
Department: Political Science


Are Votes for Sale? an Examination of the Influence of Financial Support From the Health Care Industry and Related Interest Groups on Congressional Voting Behavior, Edward F. Manoli
Department: Political Science


International Trade, The United States, and East Asia: How Foreign Governments Seek to Influence Domestic Politics in International Negotiation, J. Mathew Mayes
Department: Political Science


Arguing Over America's Best Idea: Examining the Congressional Partisan Divide with Regards to Public Lands Policy, Anna Medema
Department: Political Science


Does Age Matter? The Effects of Age Composition on Social Movement Success, Claire F. Miller
Department: Political Science


Mother Nature and Menvironmental Politics: Analyzing How Gendered Frames Affect Support For The Clean Air Act, Grace Montgomery
Department: Political Science


"Let It Be" an Examination of the Supreme Court's Impact on Liberal Abortion Discourse in Ohio and Kentucky Newspapers, Robin Perry
Department: Political Science


Sun Yat-sen, The Three Principles of the People, and Ideology in China, John Demetrios Petersen
Department: Chinese Studies; Global and International Studies; Political Science


The Nature of Environmental Displacement: Elite Framing Strategies and State Immigration Policies in Southeast Asia, Marco Peticca
Department: Political Science


The Impact of Hosting The Summer Olympics on the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment, Noah Plotkin
Department: Political Science


Examining the Prevalence of Neocolonialism in the United Nations, Mikael Emmanuel Rae
Department: Political Science


Just Cyber Warfare? An Exploration into the Ethics of International Cyber War, Katie Reese
Department: Philosophy; Political Science


Innovation and Income Segregation: Engine of Growth and Separation, Ian Ricoy
Department: Political Science


Rallying Around the Tricolor: The impact of state identity on independence movements in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Catalonia, Jared Rogers
Department: Political Science


Building Multilateral Military Coalitions: A Study of Bribery and Coercion in Controversial Military Interventions, Marina Rae Roski
Department: Political Science


Laughing Matters: Late-Night Political Comedy Television & Individual-Level Affective Polarization, Nicholas R. Shereikis
Department: Communication Studies; Political Science


Something in the Water: Nonpoint Source Pollution and The States, Matt Sobota
Department: Political Science


Fleeing for their Lives: United States Intervention and its Impact on the Central American Immigration "Crisis", Maryori Sosa
Department: Political Science


Stitching Society Back Together: An Analysis of Post-Genocide Restorative Justice and the Prospects for Fostering Interpersonal Trust in Rwanda and Guatemala, Emily Stoehr
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Political Science


A New Migration: Investigating Public and Private Violence Frames as Predictors of U.S. Public Sympathy for Central American Refugees, Jonathan Velazquez
Department: Political Science


Compactness Measures for Legislative Districts, Isaac Weiss
Department: Mathematics; Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2019


Orbital Debris Proliferation and the Evolution of the Space Sustainability Norm, Carson Wesley Simkins Bullock
Department: Physics; Political Science


Non-governmental Organizations and their Structure, Salience, and Agenda Setting Ability, Kayla Campion
Department: Political Science


How Will It Be Remembered?: Incorporation of TRC Reports in the Classroom, Rachel Cargal
Department: Political Science


Finding Home: the Impact of Implementing International Law Through Domestic Legislation and Judges on Women Seeking Asylum, Alena Carl
Department: Political Science


Location, Location, Location: How Geographical Differences Shape the Effects of Childhood Poverty and School Experience, Patience Chrisler
Department: Political Science


Nevertheless She Persisted: Women's Representation in Government and its Effect on the Hidden Curriculum and the Representation of Women in Textbooks, Chloe Faye Cook
Department: Political Science


“The Fem-pire Strikes Back”: Rethinking Gender Essentialisms by Analyzing the Impact of Female Combatants on Non-State Armed Group Terrorism, Abigail Anne Dean
Department: Political Science


Do Neighbors Make Nativists?:The Linkage between Geographic Context and Immigration Attitudes in the United States, Samuel J. Delano
Department: Political Science


E Unibus Pluram: Investigating the Differences in Political Participation Among the Religiously Unaffiliated in the US, Emma Folkenroth
Department: Political Science; Religious Studies


Cyberwarfare, Information Warfare, and Military Force: The Impact of Hybrid Warfare on the Practice of Democracy in Target States, Adam S. Gillmor
Department: Political Science


Rights, Naturally: An Examination of Natural Rights Philosophy in Constitutional Thought and Decision Making, Jordan Griffith
Department: History; Political Science


'Independent Minds, Dreaming Together': The Role of Discrimination in Producing Group Consciousness Among Racial Minorities in the U.S., Nicholas Hall
Department: Political Science


Who Runs the World? An Analysis of the Internal Dynamics of International Organizations and Their Impact on the Ability of Women to Attain High-Level Leadership Positions, Sabrina K. Harris
Department: Political Science


National Rifle Association Member Mobilization And Senate Roll-Call Voting On Gun Control Legislation, Matthew Hartzell
Department: Political Science


Talking Red White and Blue: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Polarization and Congressional Floor Speech, Dawson Patrick Honey
Department: Political Science


Phyllis Schlafly’s Lasting Legacy: Discovering Continuity in Women’s Anti-Era Writings, Annabelle Hopkins
Department: Political Science; History


Effects of Personal Styling on Constituents’ Perceptions of Candidates, Cassidy D. Ktsanes
Department: Political Science


What Does God Have To Do With It? : A study of the impact Protestant Christianity had on United States foreign policy during the Cold War., Garrett Layde
Department: Religious Studies; Political Science


Safe or Scared: Military Presence in Public Spaces and Public Opinion of the Regime, Rachel Lauren Mandel
Department: Political Science


To Whom Does Public Opinion Matter? Presidential Personality Characteristics and Sensitivity to Public Opinion, Stephen Maryo
Department: Political Science


The United States-Cuban Relations: Una investigación de los impactos políticos en las remesas culturales, Hailey Matrone
Department: Spanish; Political Science


Crisis Decision; A Study of How Personality and Advisory Systems Affect Presidential Decision-Making During Crises, Carolyn S. Mayer
Department: Political Science


The Space Race, The Moon, Star Wars, and The Future: A Bureaucratic Politics Approach to American Space Policymaking, Kenyon Moriarty
Department: Political Science


The Effectiveness of Targeted Killings Through US Drone Strikes in Pakistan and Yemen: A Comparative Case Study, Brian A. Murray
Department: Political Science


The Politics of Exclusionary and Inclusionary Zoning: The Road to Residential Segregation, Emily M. Partika
Department: Political Science


No Time to Waste: An Examination of the Climate Change Norm and its Role in Increasing Observer Participation in the UNFCCC, Ethan Scully
Department: Political Science; Global and International Studies


Almost Nuclear Weapons Development Assistance: Investigating State Decisions to Supply Dangerous Dual-Use Technologies, Isaac Shore
Department: Political Science


The Impact of Death Squads on Sustainable Peace, Emily Singer
Department: Political Science


The Judicial Arms Race: An Investigation Into the Weaponization of First Amendment Principles Against Substantive Due Process Protections From the Stone Court to the Roberts Court, Cameron K. Steckbeck
Department: Political Science


Sing Out Your Soul Sweetie, They Will Judge You Anyways: Music's Effect on Shaping Public Attitudes Towards Immigration, Christina Vukovich
Department: Political Science


Coloring Outside the Borders: How the Media Shapes Preadolescents’ Understanding of Global Politics, Gabriel Wasylko
Department: Political Science


Think About It: The Role of Think Tanks in Public Debate and Policy-Making, Shana E. Zelenka
Department: Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018


Post-WaterGate to Pre-Trump: A Look At Which Incumbents Are Hurt By Scandals Within The United States House of Representatives, Ashkahn Alikhani
Department: Political Science


The ‘Black Republic’ on their Mind: African Americans and the U.S. Occupation of Haiti 1915-1934, Jerry Altemar
Department: History; Political Science


Assessing the Impact of Municipal Governance and Urban Development Megaprojects in the Developing World, Ethan Barham
Department: Political Science


How to Move Mountains: An Examination of the U.S. Political Response to the Aids Crisis, Jane Connard
Department: Political Science


You've Got a Friend in Me: The Effects of LGBTQIA+ Legislators on Same-Sex Partnership Rights in Latin America, Danica Genners
Department: Political Science


What's Taking So Long? The Timeline it Takes for the United Nations to Become Involved in State Sanctioned Violence, Alexandria Gordon
Department: Political Science


Cyber Warfare: A Study of Threat and Cooperation, John Hessler
Department: Political Science


Masculinity (De)construction and Policing: A Comparative Study of Representation, Policies, and Legitimacy, Sarah Huffman
Department: Political Science


“His Blood Is Different… Even Though He’s Not Bad, His Ethnicity Is Bad” the Impact of Cultural Policies and Negative Rhetoric on the Severity of an Ethnic Conflict, Jinhee Huh
Department: Political Science


Perceived Deprivation and its Role in the Decisions of Former Obama Supporters During the United States Presidential Election of 2016, Jack Hyman
Department: Political Science


Gender Performance and Policy Issue Focus on U.S. Senate Campaign Websites, 2010-2016, Kiley Kinnard
Department: Political Science; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


A Rumination on Identity Politics with Durkheim and Rousseau, Austin Maffei
Department: Political Science; Sociology and Anthropology


Reaganomics: Issue Ownership and Retrospective Voting, Patrick T. Mohorcic
Department: Political Science


Going Down the Yellow Cake Road: Populists Effect on Democracies Propensity to Develop Nuclear Weapons, Nathaniel Moore
Department: Political Science


Historic Blocs and Legitimacy: A Framework for Understanding Hegemonic Stability, Robert Mueller
Department: Political Science


Wait, Did a Woman Just Use Force? The Influence of Female Legislative Coalitions on Humanitarian Military Interventions, Danielle Vlahos Muster
Department: Political Science


Manipulating Public Opinion: How Media Framing Affects Public Opinion of Military Engagement and Restricting Civil Liberties, Joshua D. Payne
Department: Political Science


Make Italy Great Again: An Examination of Virtu And Power Politics Within Machiavelli’s The Prince and The Art of War and their Contemporary Application, Emma A. Petasis
Department: Political Science


15 and a Union! A Comparative Case Study of the Fight for $15 Movement in Seattle and Baltimore, Eli Prelesnik
Department: Political Science


The Case of the Gyllenhaal's: The Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Public Opinion, Laura K. Rickey
Department: Political Science


Voting as One: Is Racial Linked Fate an Obsolete Measure to Examine African-American Partisanship at the National Level?, Aaron Roberson
Department: Political Science


Modern Day Slavery: A look into Sex Trafficking in the United States, Emma Roderick
Department: Political Science


The Impact of Interest Group Involvement on the Allocation of State-Level Mental Health Resources, Katherine Sain
Department: Political Science


The Military Industrial Complex and Defense Expenditure: An Analysis of Military Industrial Complex and its Impact on Defense Expenditure in the United States, Zubin Sethi
Department: Political Science