
The following Independent study The is entitled. The Effect of Transportation on the Concentration of Pollution provides an lndepth analysis of an urban phenomenon which is of great concern to me. The problem of pollution has existed from the first relationship between a city ;:ll1t1 the nat ural em-ironment. This relationship has resulted in the continual exploration of natural resources and also has led to certain abuses that cause \\-ii.1espreacl discomfort and suffering: air pollution is one important example. Behind said exploitation is a sysle m that places high priorities on expansion ,1l1(.i grmnJ-i and 10\\- \-alue on presen-a lion. 1 feel there is an urgent need to ensure healthy em-ironmental al!-~hel.1s in lhe nations metropolitan areas in order 10 preserve what i~ left of lhe nawral ecology. as well as, a need to increase the publics awareness about the damaging effects that directly ste m from living in a polluted en\-lronmenr, What I have attempted to do in this thesis is establish the need for metropolitan areas to encourage the use of public transportation while ~j m ullaneously discouraging the use of the private automobile in the hopes thal air quality will improve as a result, The thesis introduces the problem at l1anJ and 11len goes on to present a the00: which il1u minates an lInderstan<.1ing of the 'e:\ternaliiy from an economic vantage. The ne:\t step of the project in\-olved tl1e re~earch and analysis of empirical literature peninen! to the topic. Hypothesis testing \\'as performed through the method of multiple regres~ion and conclusions were drawn.


Galster, George

Second Advisor



Urban Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150



© Copyright 1989 Jeffrey D. Cook