
This study focuses on the contact between two cultures in Western Honduras, the Maya and the Olmec. Both are some of the best-studied of Mesoamerica because of their many advancements in art, architecture, and mathematics. The Maya territory expanded from Southern Mexico to Western Honduras. The Olmec heartland, on the other hand, was located on Gulf Coast of Mexico. Both cultures' spheres of influence reached beyond their areas of occupation. Cultural contact between these groups during Pre-Columbian times gave rise to a new culture manifested in the city of Lost Naranjos on the northern shore of Yojoa Lake in the department of Cortes. This city seems to be clearly influenced by both the Maya and Olmec cultures in many aspects, such as its location, architecture, burial types, and art. This study examines the archaeological evidence from this site to explore the nature of cultural contact in this segment of Central America.


Kardulias, P. Nicholas




Archaeological Anthropology


maya, olmec, cultural contact, western honduras, honduras, los naranjos, yarumela, copan, lake yojoa, mesoamerican pre-classic period, mesoamerican classic period

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2012 Anarrubenia P. Capellin Ortega