
The Renaissance faire is an event that brings together humor, history, and a wide array of live entertainment. In this Independent Study, I explore this venue and examine the humor in the stage performances. This study outlines other anthropological works focusing on the Renaissance faires as well as the various theories I use to enhance my own research understanding. The main theorists I look at include Victor Turner, Edie Turner, Keith Basso, Pamela Frese, and Barbara Babcock. I talk about how I use participant observation and interviews to research my population and list some ways I could improve upon these methods. The study culminates in an ethnographic walkthrough of an American Renaissance Festival and a detailed explanation of the different kinds of humor found there.


Frese, Pamela


Sociology and Anthropology


Linguistic Anthropology


ethnography, humor, anthropology, joking, renaissance faire, renaissance festival

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Thomas Sanchez