Letter from Unidentified Locale, 1945 May 16

Letter from Unidentified Locale, 1945 May 16


Robert D. Davis


Creation Date



WWII, World War 2, letters, Army


World War, 1939-1945; United States--Army


Davis discusses the amount of travel he has accomplished lately. He describes demonstrations in the town square immediately outside of the Red Cross building from whence he is writing. Demonstrators tore off pictures and signs that referenced the king. Davis closes by commenting that he thinks "Leopold's goose is cooked."


Mrs. R.L. Davis

1619 Boston

Muskogee, Oklahoma

Pfc Robert Davis 18107121

CoE, I7E3, 3rd ECAR

APO 659; c/o Postmaster NY

16 May 1945


Dear Folks:

It is a matter for thought how for we have traveled lately. I have been from one side of Germany to the other, and from one end to the other. And our travels are not over yet.

Sitting here in the Red Cross building, I look directly across the street to a department store front decorated with dozens of flags and signs. “PAX” is the motif. Two nights ago this square was thronged with people in a popular demonstration against the king. His picture was torn down from the same large store front, and “vive le roi” was ripped off, letter by letter, from its two story height. The police finally peacably dispersed the people, who were enthusiastically yelling, “Abdication, Revolution!” I think Leopold’s goose is cooked.

Love, Bob

Letter from Unidentified Locale, 1945 May 16


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